Blog 5

1 min readDec 8, 2021
  • How has this course changed your outlook on learning? What’s changed? Why? I used to believe that if I read something a few times I could commit it to memory; however, coding has changed that. I am struggling to commit this technical data to memory.
  • When frustration comes up how do you deal with it? What’s your course of action? When I get frustrated I usually step away from the computer and take a break outside and get some air and sun for a few minutes.
  • Why should we teach to the whole person rather than to just a skill set? What benefits are there to this method? Coding has many applications and learning to code isn’t a one-lane highway.
  • How do you feel about your upcoming project? What do you anticipate while working with a classmate? I feel somewhat confident in my abilities although basic.
  • What benefits will there be to working with someone else? “Two heads are better than one.” Sometimes anyway.
  • What challenges could come with this partnership? I’ve worked as part of a team before and I usually see similar challenges; so I’m prepared.




Lone Wolf with big dreams: 40-ish Dad and husband just trying to make good things happen for my family and survive this phase in my evolution.